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Casino Consulting
Casino Hotel & Resort Consultants, LLC Casino Hotel & Resort Consultants, LLC provides professional consultation to the hospitality industry. We focus on development and implementation of customized business demand forecast and labor control systems. These systems are designed to efficiently deliver and support customer service levels that positively impact the bottom line.
Casino Pros Consulting Services Welcome to the home page of The Casino Pros(TM). We offer consulting, development, management and marketing services, and products, for the casino, resort, hotel, tourism and entertainment industries.
McGhie Consulting McGhie Consulting was established in 1987 by Donald McGhie to provide services to the gaming industry. We have been involved with a wide scope of services that range from computer assisted design of casino floor plans, to economic impact studies, to developing marketing strategiesf or individual casinos.
The Gaming Laboratories International Testing of gaming devices.
Vic Taucer Consulting on ALL Gaming issues.