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Lotteries Britain
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Barry's UK National Lottery Page Barry's UK National Lottery Page This page is provided purely for information. The data used to construct the various pictures available here was obtained from the pages of Richard K. Lloyd, and from the Oracle (ITV) Teletext page (p. 123).
Cyborg.org's UK National Lottery page UK National Lottery Page UK National Lottery results are eMailed FREE to subscribers every Wednesday and Saturday evening. Discover pay-out levels, the week's winning numbers, and a lot more!
Lottery Central Welcome to Lottery Central
LottoNet The British National Lottery Brought to you by LottoNet. About the UK Lottery The draws take place twice weekly (Wednesday and Saturday) and are watched by millions on BBC television in the UK. There are thus two jackpots per week with an estimated total of approximately US$ 20,000,000! Plus thousands of smaller prizes. Lottonet Ltd. allows anyone resident outside the United Kingdom the opportunity to try their luck. All you need to do is pick any six numbers from 1 to 49 inclusive (for example: 1, 5, 24, 29, 30, 46). Your numbers will be entered in the twice weekly draws as soon your payment is cleared.
Steve's UK National Lottery Page UK National Lottery Page
Ted Kelly's Home Page Ted Kelly's Home Page from Stratford-on-Avon A service to UK Lottery players
The Official National Lottery Web Site The National Lottery was set up to raise funds for the five Good Causes chosen by Parliament - the arts, sports, national heritage, millenium fund and charities. During the first seven years of the National Lottery (the length of the licence) £9 billion is expected to be raised for these causes. On average during the seven years 28% will go to the Good Causes; 50% to prize winners; 13% to the government in lottery duty; 5% to retailers in commission, 3% towards operating costs and 1% to Camelot in profit.
The UK National Lottery UK National Lottery
Turbo's UK National Lottery Main Page Welcome to my UK Lottery Database If you enjoy a flutter on the National Lottery, then you should find these pages of interest, but before you go any further, please read the Disclaimer at the foot of this page.